Brandy Ossian and Suzanne Youngberg-Rigg

Pictured: Brandy Ossian (left) and Suzanne Youngberg-Rigg (right) were inducted into the KMA Sports Hall of Fame on Friday, January 12, 2018. 

(Essex) -- One of the greatest athletes in KMAland history is officially in the KMA Sports Hall of Fame.

Former Essex runner Suzanne Youngberg-Rigg is a 1980 state cross country champion, three-time All-American at Iowa State, and ran for Great Britain in the women's marathon race at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta.

Her brilliant running career, which began at Essex High School, undoubtedly earned her a spot in the 2017-2018 class of the KMA Sports Hall of Fame.

Watch a full video interview with Suzanne Youngberg-Rigg below.

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