Glenwood City Hall

Glenwood City Hall

(Glenwood) -- Plans for additional stop signs in Glenwood cleared another hurdle last week.

During its latest regular meeting, the Glenwood City Council approved the second reading of an ordinance amendment adding stop signs along 4th Street at the intersection of Elm Street for both east and westbound traffic, 5th Street at the t-intersection with Elm, and Nuckolls Street at the intersection of Grove Street for westbound traffic. City Administrator Amber Farnan tells KMA News the 4th and 5th Street stop signs come to assist with an anticipated uptick in traffic flow for the area.

"On the one at 4th and Elm, in that area there was a pretty bad accident there and we felt that if we had a stop sign there, we could reduce the chance of having another accident in that location," said Farnan. "Also, the additional traffic on Elm Street due to the new apartments going up is also a cause for concern. So, we figured those two (streets) needed stop signs."

Meanwhile, on Nuckolls Street, Farnan says they hope to prevent future accidents at the intersection.

"The Nuckolls and Grove Street was uncontrolled and we just felt like a stop sign was needed there on Nuckolls before you turn onto Grove Street--just to keep the public safe," Farnan explained.

At a previous council meeting, Glenwood Police Lieutenant Kirk Worcester noted that while locals might know to slow down and look for traffic at the Nuckolls and Grove intersection, out-of-town or delivery drivers may not heed the same warning.

However, Farnan says it will still be roughly a month before implementing the stop signs to allow for a third reading.

"We'll have the third reading on (August 22nd) I believe, and then it'll probably go into affect in the first parts of September," she said. "Because, it has to be published before we can put it into effect."

In other business, the council also approved the 2023 Glenwood Comprehensive Plan, a sidewalk reimbursement for Bob Huff in the amount of $250, and an agreement with the Iowa Department of Transportation for the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program on an HMA resurfacing on Locust Street from Sharp Street to Hazel Street.

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