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(Clarinda) -- It's official--Collin Bevins is no longer head coach of Clarinda High School's football squad.

Following a closed session late Wednesday afternoon, the Clarinda School Board approved Bevins' termination. Bevins was arrested shortly after midnight on July 30th at the River Ruckus Music Festival at South 5th Street in Guthrie Center. He was charged with public intoxication, possession of a controlled substance marijuana, 1st offense, and possession of drug paraphernalia after a THC vape product was discovered on his person. Bevins was placed on administrative leave pending the board's action following Wednesday's closed session.

Clarinda School Superintendent Jeff Privia says assistants Roger Williams and Conner Hanafan will serve as co-head coaches for the 2023 season. Privia says the head coaching position will be advertised next spring.

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